Grader/GA/TA Position
Hi Todd (professor name),
Hope you are doing well. I am so excited to join Chico State for Fall 2020 class. I have done some research on your classes and I learned that you will be teaching CS-311 Data Structure class in fall semester. I have learned data structure in my bachelors and I am passionate about that topic and their application in real world. I would be really interested in working for you as Grader or Graduate Assistant for this class. I arrive in USA on August 5th so I can swing by your office to talk to you about this in detail.
NOTE: This is an example and by no means this guarantees you a job! Also modify according this according subject, professor, college etc. It is all about who reaches out to professors first, and if your seniors can refer then it might add more value!
RA Position
Hi Dr. Gibson (professor name),
Hope you are doing well. I am so excited to join Chico State for Fall 2020 class. I am really fascinated by your research and share similar areas of research/interest. Here’s some of my work related to the research I did (add a link to your paper/work/portfolio). I also worked on related research during my bachelors which I would like to share with you (add a link). I would be really interested in working with you as Research Assistant for the research you are conducting. I arrive in USA on August 5th so I can swing by your office to talk to you about this in detail.
NOTE: This is an example and by no means this guarantees you a job! Also modify according this according subject, professor, college etc. It is all about who reaches out to professors first, and if your seniors can refer then it might add more value!